Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A wrinkle in time

Ah memories!
This was a common activity at our house growing up. Mom just loved it when Angie and I would sit and do her hair (at least that's what she told us). I guess that was her way of unwinding after a hard day at work. I know at times she had a hard time getting all those ribbons and pink spongy curlers out of her hair, but she never said a word. How the years fly by! I know I was young when we lived out of the basement but there are many things I can recall like it was yesterday. One memory that really stands out in my mind is one of my birthdays. I remember sitting in what used to be the kitchen but is now the storage room. We were all siting around that old ugly yellow table we had you were all singing Happy Birthday to me. I don't recall what kind of cake I had that year, but I am sure it was fantastic as all Mom's creations were.


  1. Awesome blog Im so proud of you for FINALLY getting one :)

  2. Welcome to blogging! It's pretty addicting, so watch out! Cute pic, you guys were quite the stylists:) I think you look like a little blonde Kaylee in that picture. Cute cute!
