Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Never before

OK...... So I have a confession to make, I have never blogged before! It's true, I guess I am a little behind the times. I have seen blogs before and always thought how fun it would be to have my own. I never knew it could be so easy to set up or I would have done it forever ago. I am hoping to start a little something that I want to call "a wrinkle in time". I am in need of old pictures if any of you have some, would you please email them to me. Family pictures, black male photos whatever you have.


  1. I'm so excited your a blogger, we can keep in touch alot more and see the fun things our kids do...

  2. Abb~ You're blog is amazing! I just started a blog as well so we can keep up to date with each other. It is jnjlewis.blogspot.com I need your email because I have a few questions for you. Mine is stnick73@gmail.com so write me when you get a minute. Nichole
