Saturday, May 30, 2009

You know your getting old when................

It's a Friday night. Your friends have traveled close to 100 miles to come hang out. The kids are all gone, sleeping at their friends house and the best thing you can come up with to do is play Boggle! Damn we are getting old!!!
Joel, Ryan, Casey and Angie gettin' their game on.
Joel didnt believe me that moot was a word so he had to challange it. Needless to say he lost!

I thought Joel was going to pee his pants, he was laughing sooooo hard.We had a lot of fun. It's been a long time since we have hung out with Angie and Ryan.


  1. Party Animals! That's so funny... Looks like ya'll had fun, though.

  2. Jake said...

    Joel might not have known moot... but I bet he got the rest of the four letter words!
