Monday, May 4, 2009

Plant them and they WILL grow!!

Joel and I were at Home Depot a few weeks ago and I have been buggin' him about planting a garden this year. The weather has not been cooperating so nothing is prepared for planting. I thought "why not start them in Peat Pots like we did at Dads last year. I was standing in the store looking like an idiot not knowing what to buy. Organic or not? I found some that advertised on the package "GUARENTEED TO GROW". Perfect!!!! Those of you who know me, know that I do not have a green thumb. I thought well... if they don't grow I will return them and get my money back. Surley it would have to be the product not the planter right? Last Tuesday I finally had a few minutes to get them started. I got a scoop full of compost from the neighbors and mixed it with some dirt. Low and behold 6 short days later my Pumpkins, Squash, Zuccini and Cucumbers are sprouting. I have yet to see any green coming out of my pots that I planted Waermelon and Cantalope in (hopefully in time) if they don't grow I'm takin' them back. It's so fun to watch them grow bigger every day. I am so proud of myself!!!! The only thing that would have made it better is if I would have had a coupon for the seeds LOL LOL! I am willing to share some of my Squash and Zuccini. What am I going to do with it all? I am the only one who will eat it.
Here they are in all their glory.

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